The present rights and privileges of each category of membership shall be as follows:
- A FULL MEMBER shall have the full use of all the Club facilities.
- A LIFE MEMBER shall have the fill use of all the Club facilities.
- AN HONOURARY MEMBER shall have the fill use of all the Club facilities.
- AN ASSOCIATE MEMBER shall have the full use of the Club-house facilities.
- A FAMILY MEMBER, his/her spouse and all the children over the age of nineteen shall have the fill use of all the Club facilities.
- Members shall enter the names of all guests in the Visitor’s Book. The member must remain with the guest for the whole time that the guest is in the Club House. (Liquor Control Board Regulations.)
- A member shall not knowingly remove, injure, destroy or damage any property of the Club and shall make restitution for the same if called upon to do so by the Executive Committee.
- A Member shall not cause any communication in whatever form to be exhibited on Club notice boards or premises without permission of the Office Manager
- A member shall settle an indebtedness for refreshments or otherwise before leaving the Club premises. or in accordance with any by-law relating to the settlement of such indebtedness.
- Complaints of any nature relating to the management of the Club premises shall be addressed in writing to the Commodore. Under no circumstances shall a servant of the Club be personally reprimanded by a member.
- Any person who is a competitor or crew member in any race sponsored by or on behalf of the Club is entitled to the use the Club premises within a period of 24 hours before and after the race in which they are competing.
- No animals are to be brought into the Club House. (This excludes seeing-eye dogs.) The Club serves food and therefore must comply with the rules set out for all restaurants. Members who feel compelled to bring animals to Club facilities are required to keep them under leash control at all times and are to clean up and dispose of any excrement caused by the animals.
- Children under fourteen years of age may only be admitted to the Club House premises for the service of food.
- Cars may only be parked in areas designated for such parking so as not to cause an obstruction to other cars or to the approaches to the Club premises. Members should refrain from using the parking stalls of the Directors or Staff.
- The Club premises shall be open to members at such times as the Executive Committee shall direct.
- The use of the Club House for private functions may be approved by the Executive Committee. If approved, the person applying must remain on the Club premises for the duration of the function and assume responsibility for the conduct of guests and the physical condition of the Club House and equipment. Fees for the private use of the Club House by a member will be set by the Executive Committee.
- Not withstanding Article 16, members will retain their right to use the Club’s bar and washroom facilities during such private functions.
- Members and guests are to be suitably dressed when in the Club House. Shirts and shoes are mandatory.
- Foul and abusive language will not be tolerated in the Club House or Patio.
- No liquor or beer maybe brought into the Club House by a member or a guest. All liquor and beer sold in the Club House must be consumed in the Club House.
- Members shall be responsible for the orderly behaviour of themselves and their guests at all times.
- Absolutely, NO WAKE within the marina basin.
- All boats MUST be docked in a manner that their pulpit overhang does not encroach on or into the dock walkway in a manner which impedes member/s safe access to and from their boats.
- All electrical cords (Marine Grade only), hoses and mooring lines etc must be properly coiled and not laying loose on the docks.
- All Sailboats must have their sails and rigging properly tied-up and secured; ropes cannot hang loose during the night.
- Dinghies and PWC must be kept on your boat, designated slip or area. Moorage contracts allow for only one boat per slip. Dockage fees are required for additional boats in slips.
- Transporting or carrying fuel onto the docks for the purpose of refueling or providing fuel tanks for outboard engines is strictly prohibited. All refueling and transfer of fuel tanks must be completed at the gas dock.
- All refueling at the Gas Dock must be done exclusively by the boat owner or designate under the supervision and assistance of the gas dock staff.
- Young children must always be under the supervision and responsibility of an adult. Running on the docks is not permitted except in emergency situations and/or the Gas Dock staff is providing docking assistance.
- All dogs must be on a leash and owners must pick up after their dogs with refuse put in the Garbage Cans at the end of each dock on the main walkway.
- Barbecuing is permitted on board a vessel providing that the barbecue is securely attached to the boat (No hibachis or barbecues are permitted on docks).
- All garbage must be disposed in the Garbage Cans located at the end of each dock on the main walkway. All bottles and cans must be disposed in the garbage cans located in
the parking lot. At no time are you allowed to dump damaged chairs, boat/trailer/car parts or upholstery, ropes or lines, batteries or any oil or cleaning products of any kind in the garbage cans, dumpsters or yard. If you need to dispense any of liquids from your boat, please feel free to ask our gas dock staff for assistance. - “FOR SALE” signs or other type of advertising is permitted on boats provided they are of an unobtrusive size and design. Boat owners are also asked to use the SYC bulletin boards and web site as an additional advertising media, contact our Office Manager.
- The SYC reserves the right to reassign slips or relocate any boat or personal watercraft, should its location cause a safety hazard or impede the efficient workings of the Marina.
- Each membership is entitled to keep one vehicle in the Club parking lot while visiting the SYC c/w the SYC parking sticker in plain view other vehicles must be parked in the outside of the yard or street parking. Unauthorized vehicles will be subject to removal by Summerland Towing at the owner’s expense, after receiving one warning. Parking stickers are available through the Office Manager.
- The Launch ramp is for the exclusive use of SYC Members and Associate Members only.
- All Boats/Boat Trailers shall not be parked in the designated parking area. All Boats/Boat trailers MUST park in the parking area outside the club fence directly in front of the Clubhouse (subject to availability) or on the street unless prior approval has been obtained Unauthorized Boats/Boat Trailers will be subject to removal by Summerland Towing at the owner’s expense, after receiving one warning for removal. Parking approval and parking stickers are available through the Office Manager.