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SYC is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the BC Privacy Act. The club wishes to assure members that it shall not use gathered information without a member’s consent and that such information shall be used solely for yacht club purposes.
All other uses are expressly forbidden.

Consent for the Club to Use Information

Consent may be either expressed or implied. We shall obtain an affirmative response where feasible and always give an opportunity for a member to withhold consent. The club policy shall be published in The Club Newsletter and Website.

Transfer of Information

The club ensures that to the degree possible that all information it receives from other organizations has been lawfully collected. The club also ensures that all information it divulges to organizations has received the proper consent from concerned members.
The club also ensures that methods of transfer of information, storage and elimination of information will be as secure from privacy breaches as possible.


Any member can review his/her records on file at any time. The website shall have an abbreviated policy containing information about procedures and identifying a responsible contact.

Significant Policy Items:

The Club shall:

  • Designate the Commodore as Privacy Officer responsible for establishing and overseeing the club policy and arbitrating complaints in accordance with the BC Privacy Act and ensuring the collection of only that information from members which is reasonable for the purposes of operating a private club.
  • Dispense with, in a safe and secure manner, any information gathered that is not required for the purposes of running a private club.
  • Ensure that members may review their files at a mutually convenient time by contacting the Privacy Officer.
  • Ensure, to the degree possible, that all information it obtains from outside sources has been lawfully obtained.
  • Not transfer information without the consent of the members concerned except where the club is required to do so by force of law.
  • Not change this policy without the approval of the Board of Directors.

Unless the Club is advised in writing by the member that he/she does not consent to personal information being published, the club shall collect and publish or transmit the following:

  • Name, phone numbers, email addresses, addresses and vessel particulars in Club publications including the secured portion of the Website.
  • Member’s names and photographs in Club publications: Newsletter, and Website.
  • Yachting or Club activities such as racing and organized cruising showing member name, vessel name and related event information.
  • Member information to umbrella organizations such as the CYC provided that their policies are consistent with our own.

Club Documents and Disclosure Statements

  • Disclosure statements are to be placed on new member’s application forms, and racing information forms.
  • Notice of the policy and right of decline will be published in an edition of the and Website.
  • The club procedures manual shall be amended to include the privacy policy.

Privacy Officer

The Club has designated the Public Relations/Protocol Director as the Privacy Officer.

Recommended Disclosure Statement

SYC collects membership information for yacht club purposes only. Any other use has been expressly forbidden. Members have the right to limit or decline to have this information published in yacht club publications. Members who wish to limit or decline are to inform the Public relations/Protocol Director in writing including their name, date and extent of their restriction and their signature.
